BROKERS: 3 Tasks Brokers Can Start Delegating Today - Real Estate, Updates, News & Tips

BROKERS: 3 Tasks Brokers Can Start Delegating Today

Don’t let an overflowing schedule get the best of you. As a broker-owner or manager, your time should be spent on high-level responsibilities and helping your agents be successful. But if you find yourself spending too much time on routine tasks or handling duties where you lack expertise, here are three things you can remove from your plate immediately, according to Entrepreneur magazine.
  1. Let creatives handle it. Work with freelancers or consider hiring a marketing manager who can take charge of things such as branding and marketing initiatives, digital and print advertising campaigns, content needs, videos, and more.
  2. Invest in IT help. Don’t dismiss digital security or let your website become dated. As IT continues to grow in complexity—and small brokerages are more often in the crosshairs of hackers—it shouldn’t be your job to keep up with it all. Outsource to information service companies that can keep your online platforms and in-house networks running smoothly and securely.
  3. Rein in the email insanity. Think about the cumulative hours you spend responding to emails. Regain control and be more efficient with your time by hiring a virtual assistant to perform daily tasks, monitor your email, and handle appointment scheduling.
4 Tasks Successful Leaders Should Delegate,” (June 2018)

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